Monday, January 30, 2006

Show 8: Verite' Investigates Truth of Factory Human and Labor Rights Violations

Dan Viederman, executive director of Verite', a nonprofit that monitors factories globally for compliance with human and labor rights codes.


Discussion touches on Verité's work with the Gap on its groundbreaking Social Responsibility Report that disclosed for the first time labor rights violations; Verité's new report on exploitation of foreign contract laborers in Asia and the Middle East; the challenges of maintaining independence from corporate clients.



Verite Report Identifies Exploitation of Foreign Contract Laborers in Asia and the Middle East

Gap-Verite Collaboration Exemplifies Award-Winning Practice on Social Responsibility

CalPERS Divests from Four Emerging Countries

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Show 7: DuPont in Hot Water

Sanford Lewis interviews Glenn Evers, a former DuPont chemical engineer, and Attorney Alan Kluger, who is suing DuPont regarding Teflon. Evers, who worked for DuPont for more than 20 years, recently flagged concerns regarding health impacts of Dupont products used to coat fast food wrappers. Kluger has filed a $5 billion lawsuit against Dupont over the alleged toxicity of Teflon coated cookware. Lewis is himself a representative of DuPont Shareholders for Fair Value, a group of DuPont shareholders including Amalgamated Bank, United Steelworkers and others concerned about the financial impacts of these issues on DuPont.



Dupont Shareholders for Fair Value

Environmental Working Group

Ohio Citizen Action Popcorn Site

DuPont's Website

Monday, January 02, 2006

Show 6: 2005 Corporate Year in Review

In 2006, Corporate Watchdog Radio will focus on corporate social and environmental responsibility as it plays out in the investment marketplace. We begin the year with a wideranging review of how that theme played out in 2005. CWR reviews the mainstreaming of the socially responsible investment movement, with developments at the United Nations, Goldman Sachs, DuPont, Walmart, SRI backlash movement, body burdens of toxic chemicals, toxics in products at DuPont and other companies, climate risk, corporate governance, state pension funds and the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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