Show 8: Verite' Investigates Truth of Factory Human and Labor Rights Violations
Dan Viederman, executive director of Verite', a nonprofit that monitors factories globally for compliance with human and labor rights codes.
Discussion touches on Verité's work with the Gap on its groundbreaking Social Responsibility Report that disclosed for the first time labor rights violations; Verité's new report on exploitation of foreign contract laborers in Asia and the Middle East; the challenges of maintaining independence from corporate clients.
Verite Report Identifies Exploitation of Foreign Contract Laborers in Asia and the Middle East
Gap-Verite Collaboration Exemplifies Award-Winning Practice on Social Responsibility
CalPERS Divests from Four Emerging Countries
Discussion touches on Verité's work with the Gap on its groundbreaking Social Responsibility Report that disclosed for the first time labor rights violations; Verité's new report on exploitation of foreign contract laborers in Asia and the Middle East; the challenges of maintaining independence from corporate clients.
Verite Report Identifies Exploitation of Foreign Contract Laborers in Asia and the Middle East
Gap-Verite Collaboration Exemplifies Award-Winning Practice on Social Responsibility
CalPERS Divests from Four Emerging Countries