Sunday, September 17, 2006

Show 24: Iraq for Sale - Interview with Robert Greenwald

An extended interview with filmmaker Robert Greenwald, regarding his new film, Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers. Includes several excerpts from the film, discussion of the film's content, critiques of companies such as Halliburton and Blackwater, and Greenwald's unique grassroots production and distribution strategy.


Also see Iraq For Sale

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Show 23: Will Nuclear Power Save Us from Global Warming?

Harvard University Professor and National Commission on Energy Policy Co-Chair John Holdren discusses the role of nuclear power as a potential solution for climate change, identifying four primary problems that would need to be overcome for nukes to be a viable part of an overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy.


SocialFunds article: Nuclear Power: Still an Environmental Scourge or Now a Climate Change Mitigator?