Monday, January 15, 2007

Show 32: Shareholder Democracy and Corporate Governance

Rich Ferlauto, who handles shareholder activism for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) pension funds, discusses shareholder democracy and corporate governance. Currently, shareholders cannot nominate candidates for corporate boards of directors, and those directors can be elected on a single vote. A federal appeals court recently ruled in favor of AFSCME against the American International Group in allowing the union access to the corporate ballot to nominate directors. Ferlauto also discusses the move to establish majority vote director elections that is gaining steam. He criticizes the Securities and Exchange Commission for failing to support shareholder rights.


American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

SocialFunds article: Court Affirms Shareowner Right to File Resolutions on Proxy Access for Nominating Directors

SocialFunds article: Majority-Vote Director Election Shareowner Resolutions To Top 100, Dominate Proxy Season

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Show 31: The New Congress - A Contract with Corporate America?

The new Congress faces a full agenda on the Iraq war and corruption in the Bush administration. Where do issues of corporate accountability fit in? We talk in depth with two Washington, DC area activists and researchers about CEO pay, expansion of Enron-era reforms against corporate crime, and the outsourcing of American jobs.
Our guests are Phil Mattera and Charlie Cray, coauthors of the provocative proposal, "A Contract with Corporate America."


Contract with Corporate America

Center for Corporate Policy

Corporate Research Project