Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Show 29--Oxfam Slams Starbucks for Opposing Ethiopian Coffee Name Trademarking

Seth Petchers, Oxfam International's Make Trade Fair campaign coffee lead, discusses how Starbucks opposes Ethiopia's bid to trademark its renowned regional coffee names--Sidamo, Harrar, and Yirgacheffe. Dean Cycon, founder of Dean's Beans Organic Coffee Company, discusses problems with the trademarking solution, and how appellation (the system by which regional wines such as Champagne and Bordeaux protect their exclusivity) represents a better solution in his mind. He also discusses Fair Trade as an important part of the solution, while also identifying limitations of Fair Trade in achieving truly ethical and sustainable trade.


Oxfam's Make Trade Fair Starbucks Campaign

Starbucks' statement on its position regarding Ethiopia

Dean's Beans

Brand Hypocrisy at Starbucks by Oxford University Professor Douglas Holt


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